A Surprise Gender IVF Birth - The Birth of Sawyer - An Olathe Medical Center Birth Story

Katherine & her husband had been trying to have a second baby for years when they decided to try IVF. They were ecstatic when they found out the process worked, and they were having twins. Unfortunately, one of the babies didn’t make it, but they were just happy that one baby would come into their lives.


8.11 -

It was finally baby day! Katherine went into labor, ironically on the day of her daughters 5th birthday party! Although she was excited to meet her new baby, she was extremely bummed that she and her husband were both going to miss her daughters party. She was very thankful to have her family in town to take care of all of the party things and to be with her daughter.

Things slowly began picking up and Katherine decided to try sitting on the ball and the edge of her bed to help bring baby lower.


It began to get dark out and it was finally time to start pushing!

After pushing for a good amount of time, they realized baby was getting stuck and the doctors and nurses had to push and pull and help get the baby out.

Finally baby was born, a beautiful baby girl!


Welcome to the world, Saywer Kate!!


Anna Pollitt